The Ski and Snowboard Club at CU






Boulder Freeride

the ski and snowboard club at cu


Who We Are

First and foremost, we at Boulder Freeride love snow. Whether it’s dropping cliffs or learning to link turns, the reason that we’re here is to promote the sports of skiing and snowboarding to the University of Colorado.

Since 1933, Boulder Freeride has been a student run, non-profit organization, and is currently the largest student group on campus, as well as the largest collegiate ski and snowboard club in the world. The club is run by a board of directors, consisting of 10-20 students who are enrolled at the university.  Every fall, we recruit new board members to join us; if you’re in for one of the greatest experiences of your life, look for application opportunities in August and take part in the quest for snowcapped greatness!

Our club has activities year-round. Aside from an epic camping trip every fall, we throw down at the beginning of the year at our annual welcome back bash, Welcome Freeriders. To pump our members up for the season, we host a number of upcoming skiing and snowboarding movie premieres. Each month, we hold general meetings, in-store shop nights through our sponsors, on-mountain BBQ’s, and a handful of unforgettable trips. With these trips, we bring hundreds of CU students to places around the world. We have a few regular condo weekends (Summit County) and trips (Breckenridge for Thanksgiving & the X-Games in January) but we have also been known to travel to such exotic locales as Jackson Hole, WY; Innsbruck, Austria; Chamonix, France; and Whistler, Canada.